
Swietokrzyski National Park

SNP was created in 1950 as the third Polish national park. It is located in the central part of the Holy Cross Mountains and includes: Łysogóry mountain band (the highest peak of Lysica - 612 m above sea level) and Łysa Gora (- 595 m), part of the Klonowski band (along with Psarska and Miejska mountain), Wilkowska Valley, Dębniańskie Valley and also three of its enclaves - Mount Chełmowa, Las Serwis and Skarpa Carnival (since 1996).

Forest ecosystems cover circa 95% of the Park’s land, meadow and grassland ecosystems about 4%, other ecosystems, such as: rock ecosystems, aquatic and swamp ecosystems approx. 1% of the area. Areas of strict protection ranges to a total of 2,913.09 hectares which makes it 38.2% of the total Park’s area. Area of active protection is 4,390.52 ha wide (57.6% of the Park), landscape protection zone 322.84 ha (4.23%). SPN is typically a forest park, where forests cover 95% of its area. As far as the flora of the Park is concerned the dominant plant species are of forest species, wetlands and marsh ones. Noteworthy is the presence of numerous mountain plants - 45 species, (39% of which currently inhabits SNP) were noticed within the Park boarders. Mountain species include: Aconitum variegatum, Veronica montana, Hard Shield Fern, wild garlic, Dentaria enneaphyllos, Perennial honesty, Whorled Solomon's-seal, as well as the only alpine (subalpine) species - Doronicum austriacum.
there are over 4,000 species of animals Within the SPN’s borders. We can distinguish species of glacial period’s origin. This includes inter alia: 6 species of snails, 11 species of insects and 1 species of amphibian. They can dwell in the area of ​​the Holy Cross Mountains (mainly Łysogóry) due to the colder climate.

The biggest threat to the Park’s ecosystems seems to be a growing development of local infrastructure as well as closing the ecological corridors. SNP Protection Plan, along with the local development reasonable planning program seems to be improving otherwise difficult situation. SNP has a total of 42 km of hiking trails, and (2) km of cycling routes. Most of cycling traffic takes place on asphalt roads intersecting or the surrounding Swiętokrzyski National Park.

Educational activities and museum is being open throughout the year:

Educational Centre of the Directorate Holy Cross National Park in Bodzentyn and the Natural History Museum of Holy Swiętokrzyski National Park at Holy Cross Church’s place.

Find out more on:

www park website see on the map

ul. Suchedniowska 4

Bodzentyn 26-010

+41 311-51-06


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